Componet of tablate?

Component(i) Active ingridicnt
(ii) Excipint
Active ingridicnt: Active ingridicnt is the physiological active compound which produce physiological response.
Excipint: (i) Diluent or Filler (ii) Binder (iii) Granulating  (iv)Disintegrating agent (v)Lubricants (vi) Coloring agent (vii)Flarouring agent  (viii)Sweetening agent

what is Nutrition?

Nutrition: Nutrition is the science of food and its relationship to health for functioning living organism i.c.  Uptake of food, liberation of energy, crimination of waste products and all the synthesis essential for maintains of growth and development.

* CHO, protein and fats are called principle proximate food because they contribute to total energy intake and main bulk of food protein 7-15%, fat 10-30%, CHO 65-80%.

25. Define and classified Food and Nutrition?
Ans: Food: Food is the composite mixture of edible substances which when taken are digested absorbed giving energy, provide growth and repair of wear and tear of the body and also protects body form infection.
Types of food:
 By function
a.     Energy yielding food- Carbohydrate, fat, protein.
b.    Body building food- protein and minerals.
c.     Protective food- Vitamins, minerals and protein.
 By origin
a.     Animal origin.
b.    Vegetable origin.
Function of food----
a.     It satisfy hunger
b.    It is Essential for growth of the body
c.     It provides energy for production of heat and other physical activities
d.    It is Essential for repair of daily wear and tear
e.     It protects body various disease

24. Define the following Term: Infection, Contamination, pollution, Infestation infectious, Disease, contagious disease, communicable disease, Epidemic, Endemic, and Sporadic
       Pandemic, zoon sis, ICDDR, B. 
Ans: Infection: Infection is the entry and multiplication of an infectious agent host. 
Contamination: The presence of an infectious agent an a body surface, also on or in clothes beddings toys surgical instruments or dressings, or other inanimate articles or substance including water, milk and food.
Pollution: Pollution is the presence of offensive, but not necessarily infectious agent in the environment.
Infestation infectious: A clinical manifested disease of a host resulting form an infection.
Disease: It is a state of dysfunction subjectively or objectively apparent and looked upon as maladjustment of the host to the existing environment.
Contagious disease: A disease that is transmitted though contact, e.g. scabies, trachoma, STD, leprosy etc.
Communicable disease: An illness due to a specific infectious agent or its toxic products capable of being directly or indirectly transmitted form man to man animal to animal, or form the environment (through air, dust, soil, water, food etc.) to man or animal. 
Epidemic: The ‘unusual’ occurrence in a community or region of disease, specific health-related behavior (e.g. smoking) or other health-related events (e.g. traffic accidents) clearly in excess of “expected occurrence”.

2. What do you mean by spectrum of health?
          * The health of on individual is not static; it fluctuates within a range or spectrum, varying form optimum wellbeing to various levels of dysfunction, including the state of total dysfunction (death). The systematic representation of these different levels of health constitutes the sickness spectrum.
11. Define the following terms: Eradication and monitoring, Surveillance.
Ans: Eradication: Termination of all transmission of infection by extermination of the infectious agent through surveillance and containment.
Monitoring: It is the performance and analysis of routine measurement or health status of population.
Surveillance: Surveillance has been defined as – “the continues scrutiny of the factors that determine the occurrence and disease and other conditions of ill-health in a target population”

18. Define Epidemiology .What is the aims of epidemiology?
Ans: ”The study of the distribution and determinations of health-related states or event in specified populations, and the application of this study to the control of health problems
            Aims/ Objective of Epidemiology:
According to the international Epidemiological Association (IEA), epidemiology has 3 main arms.
            (a) To describe the distribution and size of disease problems in human populations.
            (b) To identify etiological factors in the pathogenesis of disease.
            (c) To provide the data essential to the planning, implementation and evaluation of service for the prevention, control and treatment of disease and to the setting up priorities among those services.
            * The ultimate aim of epidemiology is to lead effective action:
            (a) To eliminate or reduce the health problem or its consequence
            (b) To promote the health and well-being of society as a whole by preventing its consequence   in future.
19. Discuss the use of epidemiology?
Ans: Study of the distribution and determination of disease in a defined population helps to:
            1. Identify factors that cause disease.
            2. Identify factors or conditions that can be used or modified to preventive the occurrence or spread of disease.
            3. Explain how an why disease and epidemics occur.
            4. Evaluate the effectiveness of vaccines and different forms of therapy.
            5. Establish a clinical diagnosis of disease.
            6. Identify the health needs of the community.
            7. Evaluate the effectiveness of health programmers.
            8. Predict the future health needs of a population.

16. What are the health problems’s of Bangladesh? Discuss
Ans: The health problems of Bangladesh can be conveniently grouped under  the following heads:
            (a) Population problems
            (b) Communicable disease problems
(c) Non- communicable disease problems
(d) Nutritional problems
(e) Medical care problems
(f) Environmental problems

Population problems: Bangladesh has a large population with highest density in the third world as well as high growth rate.
The population size was estimated at 123.80 million in January 1997, the natural growth rate being 1.75% per annum. In the census of 2001, the number of population was increased to about 130 million, with a net increase of 6million; while in the long run, say, by the year 2020 there will be net increase of 42.74 million people. Such on increase of population will have several adverse implications for our social-economic development.  
(b) Smallpox, malaria and cholera have been eradicated or are no longer major killers. But communicable diseases are still the major disease in Bangladesh.  Infectious disease like diarrhea,
 17. Discuss the major health problem in Bangladesh?
Ans: The health problems of Bangladesh can be conveniently grouped under  the following heads:
(a) Population problems
            (b) Communicable disease problems
(c) Non- communicable disease problems
(d) Nutritional problems
(e) Medical care problems
(f) Environmental problems